What to do with baby's yellow and thick nose

Yearning for the flying of eagle Ask questions on April 18, 2024:53:51
Recommended answer

Treatment of baby's runny nose. First of all, it is necessary to determine the type of baby's cold from the dialectical perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, or whether the child's cold symptoms are accompanied by bacterial infection from the perspective of western medicine. Therefore, it is necessary to go to the hospital for a routine blood test. If the number of white blood cells in blood routine test increases, and the number of lymphocytes is normally considered to be a cold symptom caused by bacterial infection, it is necessary to select relatively sensitive anti-inflammatory drugs according to experience, which can shorten the treatment time of the disease. In home care, we need to strengthen nutrition and drink warm water.

Yearning for the flying of eagle 2024-04-28 11:13:28

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