What to take for viral enteritis

Half step vicissitudes Ask questions on May 15, 2024-08:08:47
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Generally speaking, viral enteritis does not need special drug treatment because it is a virus and has self-healing properties. But when a person has abdominal pain and diarrhea symptoms, the doctor also needs to carry out drug intervention. First, oral rehydration salts. Those who do not have the conditions to drink oral rehydration salts, go home to drink some light salt water and eat some light food. Second, the antispasmodic medicine is symptomatic. If the stomach hurts too much, you can give the antispasmodic medicine. Third, drugs that adjust the internal environment of the microecology, such as Bacillus, Bacillus subtilis and Bifidobacterium, will change the internal environment of the intestinal tract to achieve the effect of diarrhea and pain relief.

Half step vicissitudes 2024-05-20 11:39:01

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