What are the symptoms of alcoholic cirrhosis

Huaihai Ask on 2024-05-13 20:22:55
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What are the symptoms of alcoholic cirrhosis? Alcoholic cirrhosis may have no symptoms at the early stage, and then gradually appear body weight loss, loss of appetite, fatigue, bleeding gums and nasal cavity, yellow urine and other symptoms. There are also some signs, such as liver enlargement, spider nevus formation, male breast development, female amenorrhea, infertility, etc. If some serious complications are combined, ascites may occur, and stubborn ascites may also occur, which is not easy to subside, and esophageal and gastric varices. When accompanied by hypersplenism, white blood cells and platelets will decrease, which will lead to the decrease of the patient's immunity and hemostatic ability. If there is hepatic encephalopathy, there will be behavioral abnormalities and personality changes.

Huaihai 2024-05-20 11:42:25

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