What side effects does Vic have when he eats too much

accomplish sth. lasting by leading a quiet life Ask questions at 19:11:37 on May 26, 2024
Recommended answer

The side effects of taking too much vitamin C are relatively large. Research shows that when the daily dosage of vitamin C is between one and four grams, it may cause various adverse reactions. If the dosage exceeds five grams, hemolysis may occur, and even life risk may occur. If a pregnant woman takes a large amount of vitamin C, she may have miscarriage or death. If she eats too much vitamin C, she may have the following side effects: First, vitamin C is an acidic substance. Taking a large amount of vitamin C can reduce the ph value of urine, increase the oxalate and urate crystals in urine, and easily form kidney stones. 2、 Vitamin c can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis. taking large doses of vitamin c can cause diarrhea, excessive gastric acid, reflux of gastric juice and other side effects. 3、 When a large dose of vitamin C is injected intravenously, it can cause the formation of venous thrombosis, hemolysis or coagulation in the blood vessels, which can occur in severe cases. It can also cause allergy, local pain or tissue necrosis during injection. Therefore, vitamin C should also be taken appropriately.

accomplish sth. lasting by leading a quiet life 2024-05-27 11:22:36

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