How to reduce the swelling when the face is beaten

pansy Ask questions at 15:18:06, April 18, 2024
Recommended answer

The face is swollen. Generally, local cold compress or ice compress can be carried out within 48 hours, which can effectively reduce subcutaneous bleeding and swelling symptoms. After 48 hours, if there is no swelling on the face, local hot compress or massage can be carried out. If necessary, local massage can also be carried out with blood activating and stasis removing drugs, such as safflower oil, which can effectively promote the dissipation of blood stasis and accelerate the disappearance of facial swelling. If necessary, you can take oral Chinese medicine to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, such as Danshen tablet, which can also promote facial detumescence. The above health science knowledge is only for reference. The specific situation needs to be checked in a regular hospital and judged by a professional doctor.

pansy 2024-04-28 11:07:29

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