What anti-inflammatory drugs can be used to treat gastroenteritis quickly

Green mania is not frivolous Ask questions on 2024-05-24 01:43:02
Recommended answer

If there is intestinal inflammation, it is better to use anti-inflammatory drugs such as levofloxacin. Amoxicillin capsules or cefradine capsules can also be used for treatment. In terms of diet, within 8 to 12 hours after the onset of the disease, patients can eat liquid food, including rice porridge, eggs, batter and fine dried noodles. If the diarrhea is serious or sweats a lot, the patient should also drink more sugar water to supplement the lack of water, vitamins and electrolytes in the body. During the improvement period of gastroenteritis, patients can eat some liquid and semi liquid foods that are easy to digest and rich in nutrition, such as thin wonton skin and steamed chicken cake. It is advisable to eat four to five times a day with less food and more meals. It should be noted that it is inappropriate to drink milk and eat a lot of sucrose at this time. During the recovery period of gastroenteritis, special attention should be paid to diet control. In terms of diet, we should eat light and warm food, and avoid eating fat meat, fried food, raw cold and hard food too early, as well as fiber rich food such as celery, soybean sprouts, leeks, garlic sprouts, etc.

Green mania is not frivolous 2024-05-27 10:32:28

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