Precautions for oral administration of compound Beidougen paracetamol and namin tablets

Listen to happiness Ask questions at 16:19:04, May 17, 2024
Recommended answer

Precautions for taking Compound Beidougen Aminophenol and Namin Tablets: 1. Do not drink alcohol or alcoholic beverages during drug use. 2、 If the symptoms are not relieved after three to seven days of medication, seek medical advice in time. 3、 Use with caution in patients with liver and kidney dysfunction. 4、 Pregnant women and lactating women should use it with caution. 5、 During the medication period, it is not allowed to drive locomotives, boats, engage in high-altitude operations, mechanical operations and operate precision instruments. 6、 Do not take other anti cold drugs with similar composition to this medicine at the same time. 7、 If serious adverse reactions occur in the course of medication, the drug should be stopped and medical attention should be sought in a timely manner.

Listen to happiness 2024-05-20 11:37:27

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