What medicine should I take for pruritus of vulva

Covet private storage Ask questions at 22:43:06, May 19, 2024
Recommended answer

Vulvar itching may be caused by vulvitis or vaginitis. For example, the specific vulvitis can be manifested as pruritus, pain and burning sensation of the skin and mucous membrane of the vulva, which can be aggravated during activities, sexual intercourse, urination and defecation. The treatment of this situation needs to keep the vulva clean and dry locally and use antibiotics locally. If there is an increase in vaginal secretions in addition to genital itching, it is considered to be caused by vaginitis. If the vaginal secretion is bean curd like or curd like, it is considered to be mycotic vaginitis, and clotrimazole suppository can be used locally in the vagina; If the vaginal secretion has a fishy smell, consider bacterial vaginitis, and use nifurtel nystatin vaginal soft capsule or double seat vaginal effervescent tablet. It is recommended to go to the hospital for medical examination and specific medication after clear diagnosis.

Covet private storage 2024-05-20 11:38:02

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