Is Hemangioma Venous Malformation Dangerous

Listen to happiness Ask on 2024-05-17 07:21:41
Recommended answer

Hemangioma is a common disease in clinic. Hemangioma often appears venous malformation, which is not dangerous in most cases. However, if a vein malformation breaks and causes massive bleeding, it may lead to hemorrhagic shock, or even sudden death, which is more dangerous. The treatment of hemangioma mainly includes surgery, drug therapy, laser therapy, cryotherapy and sclerotherapy. Clinicians will choose the appropriate treatment method according to the patient's age and the specific location, size, type, number and involved range of hemangioma. Therefore, it is recommended that patients go to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible.

Listen to happiness 2024-05-20 11:42:21

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