What season does swimming crab come into market most

Rain Run Static Load Ask questions on June 10, 2024-15:04:34
Recommended answer

Portunus sinensis is a kind of seafood that mainly comes into market in autumn, and generally comes into market in late September to early November.

This is because the growth cycle of Portunus sinensis is related to the season. Portunus begins to breed in spring, hatch in summer, and mature in autumn. At this time, the meat quality of swimming crab is the most delicious and tastes the best, so it is also a favorite period for consumers.

In addition, the origin of Portunus sinensis also affects its season of listing. Generally speaking, the East China Sea, the Yellow Sea and the coastal areas of the South China Sea are the main producing areas of Portunus sinensis, and the climate and marine environment in these areas will also affect the growth and reproduction of Portunus sinensis, thus affecting its marketing season.

In a word, the market season of Portunus sinensis is mainly in autumn, and the specific time will be affected by the growth cycle of Portunus sinensis, the climate of the place of origin and other factors.

Rain Run Static Load 2024-06-11 11:42:10

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