Hemorrhoids, bleeding, headache, body aches, fever, what to do

The day will be bright and the heart will be warm Ask questions at 06:55:31, April 18, 2024
Recommended answer

Hemorrhoids bleed with headache, body aches and fever. It is considered that it is caused by colds caused by hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are mostly caused by patients' bad eating habits, and it is a disease that occurs in the anus. In severe cases, it is very likely that hemorrhoids will be red, swollen, painful, itchy and bleeding, but the amount of bleeding is generally small, and the color is bright red, It cannot be mixed with the stool. The patient needs to take amoxicillin, Zhisuning Tablets, Huaijiao Pills and other drugs for treatment, and Ma Yinglong Hemorrhoid Suppository should be put into the anus for treatment. If it is serious, surgery should be carried out to avoid anemia caused by excessive bleeding. Headache, body aches and fever are considered to be caused by colds, which have no inevitable connection with hemorrhoids. Patients should go to the hospital for targeted examinations. When the fever reaches 38.5 ℃, oral ibuprofen is required to cool down.

The day will be bright and the heart will be warm 2024-04-22 12:07:05

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