What are the functions and effects of liquorice

Get rid of vanity Ask questions on 2024-05-16 20:02:30
Recommended answer

The efficacy of licorice is mainly to treat heart qi deficiency, palpitations, palpitation, weakness of spleen and stomach, and fatigue. Secondly, licorice also has the effect of treating asthma, cough, stomachache and abdominal pain. In addition, licorice also has anti-inflammatory and anti allergic effects. In addition, licorice and other strong drugs can also inhibit gastric acid. The other is that licorice has the effect of beauty and beauty. Grinding hay into powder and applying it on the face can improve the phenomenon of skin relaxation, and can also inhibit the regeneration of skin spots and melanin.

Get rid of vanity 2024-05-20 11:31:07

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