When will kidney stones attack

The loneliness of smoke Ask questions on April 24, 2024 00:37:28
Recommended answer

Kidney stones will attack when obstruction symptoms appear. The kidney stone is located in the calyx or renal pelvis. If it does not cause obstruction, the patient may have no symptoms. Clinically, only observation and treatment or extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy are needed for kidney stones with stones less than 2.5 cm. Such stones have no surgical indications. Once the stone causes obstruction, if the stone is embedded in the neck of the calyx or located at the junction between the kidney and the ureter and cannot be discharged downward, it will lead to hydronephrosis in the calyx or the collecting system of the whole kidney. If the water is infected, a series of clinical symptoms will appear, leading to the onset of the disease. At this time, active treatment is needed to alleviate the symptoms and protect renal function.

The loneliness of smoke 2024-04-28 17:58:37

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