Benefits of boiling loquat leaves

The past is over Ask questions at 18:47:59 on April 24, 2024
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Loquat leaf is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine. It has the functions of clearing lung and relieving cough, harmonizing stomach, diuresis and thirst. Boil water with loquat leaves. First, it can moisten the lungs and stop coughing. It can eliminate inflammation in the trachea, and has a certain therapeutic effect on cough and expectoration caused by respiratory tract infection. In addition, loquat leaf boiled water has a certain anti-virus ability, which has a certain effect on preventing colds, and loquat leaf boiled water also has a certain role in detoxification and enhancing human immunity. It can promote the discharge of toxic substances from the human body, and has a certain role in preventing human related diseases and increasing the resistance of elderly patients.

The past is over 2024-04-28 11:19:01

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