What to eat for hyperthyroidism patients

Cloud of hometown Ask questions on May 16, 2024-14:00:39
Recommended answer

It is better for hyperthyroidism patients to eat eggs, meat, vegetables and fruits. Hyperthyroidism is a common thyroid dysfunction disease. After diagnosis, it is necessary to strictly follow the principle of low iodine diet. Do not eat food rich in iodine, such as seafood, salt, etc. Protein, vitamins, trace elements, etc. should be fully supplemented. Eggs, meat, vegetables and fruits contain rich nutrients, which are beneficial to the recovery of hyperthyroidism patients. Diet needs balanced nutrition, avoid overeating, pay attention to emotional regulation, and strengthen exercise to strengthen physique. Standardize medication treatment, regularly review the five items of thyroid function to understand the thyroid hormone level. If the treatment is effective, some hyperthyroidism patients can achieve curative effect.

Cloud of hometown 2024-05-20 11:35:59

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