How to treat mild arteriosclerosis

Half maple lotus Ask questions at 21:11:35, April 25, 2024
Recommended answer

For the treatment of mild arteriosclerosis: 1. Pay attention to reasonable diet, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and limit greasy, high-fat, high cholesterol foods, such as fat meat, animal viscera, etc. 2. Pay attention to proper exercise in daily life, including running, swimming, yoga, shadowboxing, etc. 3. Strictly stop smoking and drinking to reduce the harmful substances such as tar and nicotine that aggravate atherosclerosis. 4. Give anti atherosclerotic drugs when necessary. Common drugs include statins, such as atorvastatin, rosuvastatin, etc. When necessary, they can also be properly combined with probucol and other drugs.

Half maple lotus 2024-04-28 11:16:40

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