The harm of high urinary protein in diabetes mellitus

You are not a lover Ask questions on April 26, 2024 11:27:16
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Diabetic patients have high urinary protein, which is very harmful to the human body. The occurrence of renal leakage protein is an independent risk factor for the damage of renal function. Therefore, diabetic patients with a large amount of albuminuria can be diagnosed as diabetic nephropathy stage IV. In addition to urinary protein, patients will have clinical symptoms such as elevated blood pressure and edema. Once these symptoms occur, patients must effectively control blood sugar under the guidance of the doctor, control blood sugar to reduce urinary protein, improve microcirculation to control the disease, and avoid new damage to renal function. If the disease develops to the fifth stage of kidney disease, renal function will be damaged, The rise of creatinine appears in the early stage of uremia, so diabetic patients must not ignore the rise of urine protein.

You are not a lover 2024-04-28 18:00:00

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