Five psychological skills for strengthening willpower

Yu Yangjun Ask questions on 2024-06-22 01:45:56
Recommended answer

Think more about the long-term consequences and do not covet short-term happiness. A new study from Columbia University found that people who considered the long-term harm of smoking were more able to resist the temptation of cigarettes than those who considered short-term pleasure before lighting cigarettes. Heidi, a psychology professor at Yale University School of Medicine, said that people can use the "thinking about the future" model to enhance their willpower.

Look away. Psychologist McGonigal suggested that when a bad habit strikes, a light fist grip can shift attention to the clenching movements and feelings.

Establish practical small goals. A large number of studies have shown that people who accept minor changes (such as sitting up straight) perform better in self-control tests. The smaller the goal, the more likely it is to be achieved. McGonigal suggested that halving the goals you set would help improve your willpower.

Not hungry, not deprived of sleep. Researchers at Florida State University found that people with hypoglycemia due to skipping meals scored lower on the self-control test than people with full stomach. People who sleep less than 6 hours a night also have the same bad performance.

Hold on for 3 weeks. A new habit must pass through a transition period of about 21 days, so that the brain can view the new habit as a daily activity. In addition, an occasional failure to adhere does not mean that the plan failed.

Yu Yangjun 2024-06-24 11:19:51

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