How to avoid anal fistula in perianal abscess

What's the pain Ask questions at 06:06:33, April 23, 2024
Recommended answer

Now clinically, for perianal abscess, if the following points are done well, it is generally beneficial to avoid the formation of anal fistula. First, perianal abscesses should be actively treated against infection at the initial stage of the disease, and the treatment time should not be delayed, because if the treatment of perianal abscesses is delayed or the treatment method is inappropriate, it will soon form a pus cavity, which may burst itself. In this case, it is easy to form anal fistula after ulceration, so it is necessary to take active anti infection treatment at the beginning of the disease, including oral or intravenous antibiotics. Second, if surgical treatment is required for perianal abscess, the general choice is perianal abscess radical surgery or perianal abscess incision and drainage combined with one-stage thread drawing. The probability of anal fistula is greatly reduced after these two operations.

What's the pain 2024-04-28 18:05:25

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