Small tricks for double glass fogging

Quiet water ripples Ask questions on 2024-06-09 09:04:48
Recommended answer

The double glass fogs because water vapor accumulates in the air layer in the middle of the glass, resulting in the glass becoming blurred. Here are some tips to help solve the problem of double glazing fogging:

1. Keep indoor ventilation: keep indoor ventilation to let moisture out and reduce the possibility of moisture accumulation in the double glass.

2. Use of dehumidifier: In humid seasons or humid environments, the use of dehumidifier can effectively reduce indoor humidity and reduce the possibility of moisture accumulation in double glazing.

3. Use of desiccant: place some desiccants in the double glass, such as silica gel, activated carbon, etc., to absorb water vapor in the air and reduce the possibility of water vapor accumulation in the double glass.

4. Clean the double glass: regularly clean the double glass to reduce the possibility of dust, dirt and other impurities accumulating in the air layer in the middle of the glass, so as to reduce fogging.

5. Replace the double glass: If the above methods cannot solve the problem of double glass fogging, it may be necessary to replace the double glass. New double glazing usually has better anti fogging performance, which can effectively solve the problem of fogging.

Quiet water ripples 2024-06-11 11:34:31

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