What's wrong with sudden stomachache and bloody stool

Cloud of hometown Ask questions at 10:07:55 on April 18, 2024
Recommended answer

The symptoms of abdominal pain and bloody stool suddenly appear. The patient should go to the regular hospital to screen the cause of disease, and then carry out targeted treatment. It may be the persistent anal pain and bloody stool caused by anal fissure, or it may be rectal tumor, or colon polyp, gastric cancer, acute gastric mucosal lesion, etc. It is suggested that patients should not eat spicy and irritating food in their daily life, and if there is too much blood in the stool, anemia correcting drugs should be used for treatment. In daily life, you should drink more water and keep your stool smooth and soft.

Cloud of hometown 2024-04-22 11:54:14

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