What is physiological urinary protein

Mature men Ask questions on 2024-05-11 07:08:07
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Physiological albuminuria can be divided into functional albuminuria and postural albuminuria. Functional albuminuria refers to temporary mild albuminuria caused by intense exercise, fever, low temperature stimulation, mental tension, sympathetic nerve excitement, etc. Its formation is related to the increase of permeability of glomerular capillary wall caused by renal vasospasm or congestion. Once the inducing factors disappear, the urine protein will also disappear rapidly. The qualitative test generally does not exceed a plus sign, and the quantitative test is generally less than or equal to 0.5 grams per 24 hours, which is more common in teenagers. Positional albuminuria, also known as orthostatic albuminuria, refers to mild or moderate albuminuria caused by orthostatic position or lumbar protrusion. It is characterized by negative nocturnal albuminuria, which appears after waking up for a certain time and turns negative again after lying flat. This type of qualitative experiment of albuminuria can achieve two plus signs, or even three plus signs, But it disappears after bed rest, often in teenagers.

Mature men 2024-05-13 11:18:13

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