What is the plus sign of urine protein

imbued with supreme heroism Ask questions at 09:19:04, April 21, 2024
Recommended answer

The two plus signs of urine protein refer to the presence of protein in the urine, which is related to kidney diseases, such as nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, diabetic nephropathy, etc. These diseases can destroy the filtration barrier of the kidney, and the protein in the blood can be lost from the kidney to the urine, forming urine protein. The more urine proteins, the more serious the kidney disease. The patient's condition can be comprehensively judged by checking the renal function, routine urine test, 24-hour urine protein quantitative and other indicators. When necessary, renal puncture biopsy can be checked to determine the specific pathological type, so as to provide targeted treatment. When taking medicine, we should pay attention to monitoring the changes in the condition and preventing drug related side effects.

imbued with supreme heroism 2024-04-22 12:11:22

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