What to do with a child with anal fissure

Ice and clean Ask on 2024-05-08 07:29:55
Recommended answer

If a child has anal fissure, he or she can use compound carrageenan ointment to treat it. Generally speaking, anal fissure in children is caused by dry stool, so if a child has anal fissure, he or she must keep his or her stool unobstructed while taking medication to avoid dry stool. At ordinary times, children should drink more water, properly add fresh vegetables and fruits, and be sure to develop the habit of regularly discharging stool to avoid the situation of being reluctant to discharge. In addition, children can eat some intestinal probiotics, regulate the intestinal flora, and improve the internal environment of the intestinal tract. Relatively speaking, it will also help children to dry their stools.

Ice and clean 2024-05-13 11:15:16

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