What does pure grain solid fermentation liquor mean

Sugar Plum Ask questions at 01:17:14, June 10, 2024
Recommended answer

Pure grain solid fermentation liquor is a traditional brewing liquor, which is made by fermenting various grains (such as rice, wheat, corn, etc.). Unlike liquid fermentation liquor (such as beer and wine), pure grain solid fermentation liquor is to directly ferment grains without adding other ingredients.

The process of producing pure grain solid fermentation wine includes the following steps:

1. Grain cleaning: Clean the grain to remove impurities and sediments.

2. Grain cooking: Boil the grain with water to make it soft and release starch.

3. Cooling: Cool the cooked grain to a suitable temperature for fermentation.

4. Fermentation: Put the cooled grain into the fermentation tank, add yeast and a certain amount of water, and ferment. During fermentation, yeast will decompose the starch in grains to produce alcohol and carbon dioxide.

5. Storage: After fermentation, put the liquor into the barrel for storage and aging, so as to make the liquor taste more mellow.

Pure grain solid fermentation liquor is a very popular traditional liquor with the characteristics of high alcohol content, rich taste and unique flavor. In China, some regions such as Guizhou and Sichuan have a long history and cultural tradition of pure grain solid fermentation wine brewing.

Sugar Plum 2024-06-11 11:39:16

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