What is the meaning of Yuan Longping's name

Luoshen flower Ask on 2024-06-05 02:16:17
Recommended answer

Yuan Longping's name is a combination of his father Yuan Bingwen and his mother Long Meizhen. Yuan Longping's father, Yuan Bingwen, is an agronomist. He engaged in agricultural scientific research in Guangxi Province in southern China and once won the "World Rice Science Award" issued by the International Rice Research Institute. Yuan Longping's mother, Long Meizhen, was an educator. She was once engaged in education in Guangxi Province and won the title of "National Excellent Teacher".

Yuan Longping's name "Longping" means harvest and prosperity. This is also Yuan Longping's original intention to devote his life to developing the rice industry. He has made many significant achievements in the field of rice breeding, including developing a number of high-yield and high-quality hybrid rice varieties, which has made great contributions to China's food security and the world's food production. Therefore, Yuan Longping's name also symbolizes his contribution to China's agricultural cause and his concern for human food security.

Luoshen flower 2024-06-11 11:42:35

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