Why and how to deal with low back acid after ten weeks of pregnancy

The farthest distance Ask on 2024-06-23 02:31:04
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Every mother wants to give birth to a healthy baby soon after the pregnancy in October. However, things go against their wishes. Sometimes there are one or two things that bother mothers. The waist is a very important part. Many mothers are not strong enough, and they are tired after ten weeks of pregnancy. What is the reason, what should we do, and how can we protect ourselves and the baby at this critical time.

The excessive load of extensor dorsi and the obvious change of hormone are related. During pregnancy, the rapid development of the fetus makes the baby gradually grow larger and the abdomen increasingly forward. In order to maintain body balance, the upper body will lean back in compensation, thus causing excessive lordosis of the spine, continuous tension of the extensor muscles of the back, resulting in excessive fatigue of the waist and back, which is easy to cause backache. Generally, the symptoms can be alleviated after rest. When a pregnant woman is in a supine position, the swollen penis compresses the waist and sacrococcygeal region, which is easy to cause low back pain.

At the same time, after 12 weeks of pregnancy, appropriate calcium supplementation is required to ensure the nutritional needs of the fetus and pregnant women. In order to prevent and relieve pregnant women's low back pain during pregnancy, calcium supplementation is required during pregnancy, and more milk and soy milk are needed; If the calcium content in the daily diet is not enough, calcium supplements should also be considered to reduce the occurrence of low back pain. At the same time, pay attention to protecting the waist. When sitting, keep your waist as straight as possible, and put a soft cushion on the back. When sleeping, it is best to take the left lying position with legs bent to reduce the burden on the waist. This position is also conducive to correcting the rightward rotation of fetuses that are prone to occur in late pregnancy, improving the blood supply of fetuses and placentas, and facilitating fetal development. Take more rest at ordinary times, do housework moderately, and avoid lifting heavy objects, bending frequently or standing and squatting for a long time.

The tenth month of pregnancy is crucial. Therefore, female friends should supplement calcium and other nutrients during pregnancy. If you suddenly have low back pain in October, you'd better consult a doctor in the relevant hospital. Never choose medication without authorization after ten weeks of pregnancy, so as not to endanger the health of the fetus or the pregnant woman. I wish all pregnant female friends have a good health.

The farthest distance 2024-06-24 11:30:37

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