Influence of pregnancy ovarian cyst on fetus

Persistence is the key Ask on 2024-06-21 01:23:34
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Ovarian cyst is a common gynecological disease. At present, this disease is more serious in Weihai women, especially in some pregnant women. When ovarian cyst appears, it will definitely affect the fetus. So many pregnant women with ovarian cyst want to know about the impact of pregnant ovarian cyst on the fetus for their own health and the health of their children, In order for you to understand as soon as possible, let's take a look at the following introduction.

In general, if you have ovarian cysts, you will not have any obvious symptoms. Some people will have increased leucorrhea, abdominal pain, frequent urination, low back pain, fatigue, and dysmenorrhea. If the cyst is large, you may feel dull pain or swelling in the lower abdomen or back.

What effect does ovarian cyst have on pregnancy?

1. Infertility: Ovarian cysts can affect ovarian function, and may lead to tubal obstruction, these factors will affect pregnancy. Some research data show that women with ovarian cysts have a 40% chance of infertility.

2. * Birth or preterm delivery: If the ovarian cyst is relatively large, it may squeeze the ovary and affect the growth of ovary, leading to birth or preterm delivery.

3. Dystocia: If the ovarian cyst is too large, it may crush the fetus and make the fetal position abnormal and affect normal delivery. It may also block the birth canal, leading to dystocia.

4. Impact on the fetus: The ovarian cyst itself will not have any adverse impact on the fetus. However, if the cyst causes complications and needs surgery urgently, or if the cyst is found to be malignant and needs treatment urgently, it will have an impact on the fetus, and may even have to give up the fetus.

The above content has made a comprehensive introduction to the impact of ovarian cysts on the fetus. If you are pregnant now and have ovarian cysts, you must pay attention to it. You must comprehensively pass a careful examination, and then determine whether ovarian cysts pose a threat to your fetus. Targeted treatment can ensure the safety of mother and child.

Persistence is the key 2024-06-24 11:26:30

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