How to exclude the baby from cerebral palsy

Gentle wind and warm sun Ask questions at 05:44:44, 2024-05-06
Recommended answer

First of all, the diagnosis of cerebral palsy needs to be made. Generally, cerebral palsy can only be diagnosed at about one year old. Before one year old, only the possibility of cerebral palsy or the trend of cerebral palsy can be considered, but the diagnosis cannot be made. Because the diagnosis of cerebral palsy means that the child's future function or life has been limited to a certain extent, so the diagnosis of cerebral palsy needs to be careful. Children's problems can also be found before the age of one, and timely intervention will not necessarily lead to cerebral palsy after intervention. So how to eliminate cerebral palsy is to focus on the development of the child, regular physical examination, check the development level. If the child's development reaches the normal standard of children of the same age, without obvious abnormal muscular tension and abnormal posture, it should not be the trend of cerebral palsy. About one year old or before one year old and after one year old, the child's development can reach the level of one year old children, without obvious muscular tension disorder, and without movement posture, it should not be cerebral palsy, It should be possible to rule out cerebral palsy. But whether it is cerebral palsy or not, the key point is to observe the child's development. If the development is normal without any abnormal symptoms, it should not be cerebral palsy.

Gentle wind and warm sun 2024-05-13 11:15:13

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