How is edible oil good for your health? Healthy eating of peanut oil

juvenile male Ask on 2024-06-22 20:24:03
Recommended answer

Olive oil helps prevent hypertension, reduce peripheral vascular diseases, improve brain function, and help women live longer. But olive oil is highly "heat sensitive". Once the oil pan smokes, it will produce smoke and harmful free radicals, increasing the risk of cancer, stroke, cataract and other diseases.

How is edible oil good for your health? Healthy eating of peanut oil

How is edible oil good for your health?

Peanut oil

It contains 18% saturated fatty acid, and is suitable for a wide range of cooking methods, such as baking, long cooking, and stir frying. Try to avoid high temperature frying and deep frying.

Wheat germ oil

Wheat germ oil is delicious and rich in vitamin E. More importantly, wheat germ oil is rich in polyunsaturated omega 6 fatty acids, which can promote the growth of skin and hair and is beneficial to bone health. This kind of oil should not be heated, and can be used to make sauces, sauces and dips. Also unsuitable for heating is flaxseed oil.

Olive oil

Research has found that olive oil can help prevent hypertension, reduce peripheral vascular diseases, improve brain function, and help women live longer. But olive oil is highly "heat sensitive". Once the oil pan smokes, it will produce smoke and harmful free radicals, increasing the risk of cancer, stroke, cataract and other diseases. Therefore, the healthiest way to eat is to use olive oil for cold dressing, baking and tender frying, and avoid high temperature cooking such as frying.

Rapeseed oil

Classic rapeseed oil has a moderate taste and is rich in heart healthy omega 3 fatty acids. Rapeseed oil is the most common way to eat. It can be cooked by braising, frying, baking, stir frying and other cooking methods.

Tips for edible oil:

1. Edible oil has "high temperature sensitivity". When cooking, try not to wait for the oil pan to smoke.

2. The edible oil with high content of omega 3 fatty acids is the best choice. This fatty acid belongs to polyunsaturated fat, which is beneficial to reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and inflammation.

3. Change different cooking oils frequently. Different edible oils contain different natural healthy fats, which are beneficial to human body. Frequent replacement of different edible oils will help to take in nutrition more comprehensively.

juvenile male 2024-06-24 11:12:16

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