Precautions for Seven Months Pregnancy Mothers to be

be neither humble nor pushy Ask questions on 2024-06-21 01:50:48
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During pregnancy, pregnant women need to pay attention to many things in their daily life. By the seventh month of pregnancy, every organ of the fetus has been formed, and pregnant women should pay more attention. Now many young mothers are not clear about the precautions at each stage of pregnancy. The following experience will share with you what should be paid attention to when pregnant for seven months.

First of all, we should pay attention to eating more fruits, such as apples and bananas. Drinking more water at ordinary times can prevent constipation. At the same time, we should drink milk and eat eggs every day to supplement nutrition and maintain adequate nutrition every day. Pregnant women at this stage should also pay attention to eating less and more meals and not eating too much, which is not easy to digest.

In addition to paying attention to nutrition, we should also pay attention to daily rest. Every day, we should take a nap of 1-2 hours with water. We should not stay up late at night and go to bed on time. In this way, maintaining sufficient sleep can help promote the growth of the fetus.

Pregnant women who are seven months pregnant will begin to be clumsy. They should try not to travel far. They can take a short walk near their home instead of standing for a long time under proper activities. At this time, it is necessary to avoid doing some physical work, such as lifting water, cleaning glass, etc., to avoid premature delivery caused by overexertion or high enough objects.

In the seventh month of pregnancy, pregnant women should pay more attention to the baby's fetal movement, because this is a critical period. They should count the number of fetal movements in stages every day, usually at least two to three times per hour. Once the number of fetal movements is reduced or no fetal movement is found, they must go to the hospital in time for timely inspection.

Seven month pregnant women should pay attention to listening to more music for their baby at this time, try to talk with Te'er, and father can also participate in it, and gently pat and touch the belly with his hands, so that he can communicate with the fetus and promote the fetal activity.

When pregnant for seven months, pregnant women should pay attention to the massage of the r room, keep washing the r room with warm water every day, and carry out simple massage, which can help the secretion of milk and the dredging of milk tubes after delivery.

It must be forbidden when the couple is pregnant for another seven months, because this is a very important time. If not, it will easily lead to childbirth or infection and endanger the health of the fetus.

In addition to the above precautions in life, you can start to prepare paper, bedding, baby bottles, paper diapers and other newborn baby supplies in advance after seven months of pregnancy. In this way, you can prepare these supplies in advance to prevent the occurrence of preterm birth, which will delay time if you are in a hurry.

be neither humble nor pushy 2024-06-24 11:23:56

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