What are the symptoms of hyperthyroidism

Suspended dust Ask on April 20, 2024:01:47
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Hyperthyroidism is also called hyperthyroidism for short. Hyperthyroidism is caused by some reasons that the thyroid gland of the human body secretes too much thyroxine, which leads to excessive thyroxine in the blood and a series of hypermetabolic diseases, such as dry mouth, excessive drinking, excessive eating, emaciation, hunger, tachycardia, sweating, emotional tension, irritability, and difficulty in falling asleep. Some will have swollen neck, diarrhea and protruding eyes. The symptoms of hyperthyroidism need to be treated in time, otherwise it may cause serious consequences such as hyperthyroid heart disease. The above health science knowledge is only for reference. The specific situation needs to be checked in a regular hospital and judged by a professional doctor.

Suspended dust 2024-04-22 11:58:04

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