What causes adult mumps

Flowers in full bloom Ask questions at 06:48:49, April 24, 2024
Recommended answer

Because mumps is an infectious disease, adult mumps is also caused by contact with mumps patients. It is mainly transmitted through respiratory droplets, and can occur throughout the year. Mumps is more common among patients aged 5 to 15 years old. It is rare for patients under two years old and over 40 years old to develop mumps. Lifelong immunity can be obtained after a single infection. Some patients with low antibody levels can also be re infected. In clinical practice, parotid gland swelling and pain are the characteristics of parotitis. There is no special treatment for parotitis, which focuses on symptomatic treatment. Attention should be paid to keeping the mouth clean, eating light food, not eating irritating acidic food, but drinking more water and taking more rest.

Flowers in full bloom 2024-04-28 11:15:38

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