How to deal with the pain of the inner muscles of the leg

Quiet as lotus Ask on April 23, 2024 07:27:51
Recommended answer

The pain of the medial tendon of the leg can be treated by the following methods: 1. Take pain relieving drugs orally. For example, meloxicam, celecoxib, loxoprofen sodium tablets, etc. 2. Treatment of external drugs. For example, for external plaster application, if it is internal pain caused by exercise, it can also be sprayed with Yunnan Baiyao aerosol, which can also relieve pain, local swelling and inflammation. 3. Pay attention to rest. Avoid excessive exercise or long distance walking, which can make the injured tendons rest and recover, and prevent further aggravation of pain. If long-term muscle pain is not relieved, it is necessary to go to the hospital for physical examination and relevant examinations at an early stage to find out the causes and give corresponding treatment according to the causes, so that the symptoms of muscle pain can be targeted and recovered early.

Quiet as lotus 2024-04-28 18:00:16

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