Pregnancy preparation check How to check male sperm

Fate is doomed Ask questions at 16:15:58 on May 11, 2024
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Prenatal examination of male sperm is the most basic examination. When checking sperm for pregnancy preparation, men generally abstain from sex for 2 to 7 days. If the abstinence time is too short or too long, it will have a certain impact on the test results. Generally, the sperm quality can reach the best state after abstinence for about 5 days. If you want to go to the urology department or reproductive department of the hospital, you should register with the doctor to issue a routine semen test sheet, and then go to the semen collection room to take out the semen. Under the condition of heat preservation, you should send it for examination as soon as possible. General semen examination items include sperm volume, sperm concentration, sperm vitality, semen PH value, semen liquefaction time, sperm morphology analysis, proportion of antisperm antibodies, etc. If the indicators are normal, general men can prepare for pregnancy normally; If there are abnormalities, it is necessary to improve the examination, identify the cause, and carry out corresponding treatment.

Fate is doomed 2024-05-13 11:14:32

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