What's wrong with women's itchy scalp and hair loss

I always believe Ask on April 26, 2024 05:12:03
Recommended answer

If a female patient has itchy scalp and hair loss, it may be that the patient has seborrheic alopecia. This type of hair loss, some people are accompanied by seborrheic dermatitis at the same time, so it causes inflammatory flushing on the scalp, especially when accompanied by Malassezia infection on the scalp, which forms certain scales. And with the recurrence of this inflammation, it will also cause seborrheic hair loss on the scalp, and cause hair follicles on the scalp to become smaller, Therefore, seborrheic alopecia develops. Some people also cause this phenomenon, which may be caused by certain inducing factors, such as excessive fatigue or staying up late. Others may often eat some seafood products, fried food, etc., which may also cause this phenomenon.

I always believe 2024-04-28 18:10:31

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