Epididymitis is over, and how to deal with lymphadenopathy

I can take it and put it down Ask questions at 11:42:38 on May 7, 2024
Recommended answer

Epididymitis is better, and there is also lymphadenopathy. In this case, you can take anti-inflammatory drugs, such as penicillin, which may be because the inflammation has not completely recovered. Lymphomegaly is caused by infection. The patient had epididymitis before. After the epididymitis is treated, the lymphadenopathy can only be recovered after medication. If the lymphadenopathy is not treated with medication, it cannot heal itself. If the patient does not show symptoms of discomfort in other parts, the patient can be treated with antibiotics after examination. Therefore, it is suggested that patients should pay attention to their diet during recovery and not eat spicy food, which will only lead to the continued existence of lymphadenopathy. Take more rest at ordinary times, do not stay up late, and enhance resistance.

I can take it and put it down 2024-05-13 11:17:57

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