What medicine to take after foot fracture

Womanly flower Ask on 2024-05-25 04:22:55
Recommended answer

For patients with foot fractures, there are mainly three kinds of drugs taken orally. One is non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that can relieve pain, and the other is drugs that can promote edema and remove blood stasis. Then, in the later stage, it is a bone connecting drug with the function of reinforcing tendons and bones. Therefore, after the fracture of the foot, in the early stage, that is, within two weeks of the fracture, when there is obvious swelling and pain at the broken end of the fracture, non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with analgesic effect can be taken orally, such as Fenbid, Nimesulide, Diclofenac Sodium and other drugs in combination with blood activating and stasis removing drugs. Yunnan Baiyao capsule, Huoxue Quyu capsule, Xianling Gubao capsule and other drugs can promote pain relief and swelling absorption. Two weeks after the fracture, the general swelling and pain are significantly reduced. At this time, you can take Jiegu Dan, Jiegu Capsule, Jiegu Qili Tablet and other drugs with the function of reinforcing the muscles and connecting the bones to promote the growth of fiber connection and original callus at the fracture site.

Womanly flower 2024-05-27 10:36:23

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