Efficacy of vinegar tortoise shell

flowers blooming like a piece of brocade Ask questions on May 15, 2024-18:00:24
Recommended answer

Vinegar tortoise shell is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine commonly used in clinic. It comes from the shell of turtle. It is widely used in clinical practice, mainly with the functions of nourishing yin and suppressing yang, tonifying kidney and bones, strengthening menstruation and hemostasis, and nourishing blood and heart. It can be used to treat bone steaming, hot flashes and night sweats caused by kidney yin deficiency, male spermatorrhea, spermatorrhea, as well as soreness and weakness of waist and knee, tinnitus, deafness and dizziness of the elderly. Generally, it is used in combination with other drugs. For example, it can be used in combination with Wendan Decoction, plus jujube kernels, polygala tenuifolia, and Albizia julibrissin to treat upset, insomnia, and dreaminess caused by endocrine disorders.

flowers blooming like a piece of brocade 2024-05-20 11:31:17

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