How to deal with hemorrhoids with massive bleeding

A true hero Ask questions at 06:38:01, April 20, 2024
Recommended answer

Hemorrhage is the main symptom of hemorrhoids, and the treatment of hemorrhoids is directly related to the amount of hemorrhoids bleeding accompanied by symptoms. If hemorrhoids have less bleeding, infrequent attacks, no obvious prolapse symptoms, and no special treatment is needed, just pay attention to light diet, and keep the stool soft and smooth. If the amount of bleeding is too large and accompanied by slight prolapse symptoms, you can first use Ma Yinglong hemorrhoid ointment, hemorrhoid suppository, etc. to control the bleeding symptoms. If the effect of the above drugs is not good, the bleeding continues to increase, and there is bleeding after defecation, or even bleeding, accompanied by severe prolapse symptoms. After the conservative treatment of most of these hemorrhoids, the symptoms will recur again and again, which is likely to cause anemia in patients over a long period of time, seriously affecting the patient's body function. At this time, we need to go to a special hospital for surgery.

A true hero 2024-04-22 12:07:08

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