What are the Tricks for Three Month Old Infants to Cough

Tianya Life Ask questions on 2024-04-17 21:29:17
Recommended answer

The cough of a three-month old baby may be caused by a cold after catching a cold, or it may be bronchitis with respiratory tract infection, or it may be allergic cough. If it is caused by a slight cold, the baby should drink more boiled water, ventilate more, boil some ice sugar sydney water and orange peel water, and give it to the baby to drink, which can help stop cough and dissolve phlegm. After drinking, gently pat the baby's back. If the symptoms are not alleviated, parents should go to the hospital in time to check and see a doctor to prevent other complications. If there is inflammation, Antibiotics can be used for treatment under the guidance of a doctor. If there is much sputum, atomization inhalation can be properly used to help expectoration.

Tianya Life 2024-04-28 11:10:26

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