Can I get pregnant with mycotic vaginitis

Let go Ask questions at 03:50:02, April 25, 2024
Recommended answer

If you have fungal vaginitis, you can't have sex or get pregnant until you are cured. After the treatment of mycotic vaginitis, of course, you can be pregnant. As long as the leucorrhea is normal after treatment, you can prepare for pregnancy normally, although it is relatively easy to relapse after pregnancy. Patients with mycotic vaginitis, if they get pregnant without treatment, are more likely to get worse after pregnancy. If you have fungal vaginitis after pregnancy, you should also choose medication with small side effects. During pregnancy, there is often a physiological increase in urine sugar, and some will lead to the emergence or aggravation of mycotic vaginitis.

Let go 2024-04-28 17:58:34

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