Start calcium supplementation in the first few months during pregnancy

Snow rose Ask questions on June 21, 2024-15:28:56
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Calcium is an indispensable part of the human body and one of the most important elements of the human body. It is also particularly important for the fetus. Many expectant mothers have started to supplement calcium in the early stages of pregnancy. Some babies with mild calcium deficiency will have symptoms such as irritability, crying, restless sleep, easy to wake up, easy to jump, sweating, occipital hair loss circle, backward teething, etc. If the calcium deficiency is serious, it can cause rickets and even various skeletal abnormalities, such as square skull, ping-pong head, bracelet or anklet, rib valgus, chicken breast or funnel chest, O leg or X leg, etc. Therefore, calcium supplementation during pregnancy is indispensable.

Pregnant women also need to pay special attention to supplementing foods with high calcium content in their diet, such as tofu, bean products, shrimp skin, kelp, milk and dairy products. Pregnant women need more calcium every day, and it is difficult to supplement with normal diet, so they need to add more calcium to increase the amount of calcium

It is ideal to supplement calcium when you are preparing for pregnancy. At this time, the calcium needed by the human body is about 800 mg per day. In addition to taking it from food, you need to supplement 200-300 mg of calcium every day. The calcium supplementation of expectant mothers should not exceed 20 weeks of pregnancy at the latest, because this stage is the most vigorous period of fetal bone formation and development.

It is ideal to supplement calcium when you are preparing for pregnancy. At this time, the calcium needed by the human body is about 800 mg per day. In addition to taking it from food, you need to supplement 200-300 mg of calcium every day. The calcium supplementation of expectant mothers should not exceed 20 weeks of pregnancy at the latest, because this stage is the most vigorous period of fetal bone formation and development.

Taking a large amount of calcium at one time will block the receptor, resulting in calcium not being absorbed. Therefore, the dosage of calcium should not be too large each time. Pregnant women can divide 600-800 mg of calcium into 2-3 times. Try not to take more than 500 mg at a time.

If there is no calcium deficiency, there is no need to take calcium supplements. Just pay attention to diet. The nutrition required at each stage of pregnancy is different, so pregnant women should eat a balanced diet. Blind and massive increase in nutrition will make the fetus grow too large, leading to dystocia, otherwise it will make the baby grow slowly.

In the first three months of pregnancy, the baby needs vitamin B and folic acid most for growth. It is suitable for eating some fish, eggs, bean products, fruits, etc. During the second trimester, you should eat some food containing calcium, iron, etc. The rapid growth of your baby needs these nutrients. You can eat some spareribs soup, egg yolk, etc. During the third trimester, the intake of salt should be controlled to avoid lower limb edema and pregnancy induced hypertension. The diet should be light. You can eat more fruits and vegetables to avoid constipation.

Generally, after four months of pregnancy, you should start taking calcium supplements. Ordinary calcium tablets are good. If it is not supplemented according to the standard dose, if it is excessive, it is not conducive to the healthy development of children.

Especially in the middle of pregnancy (4-6 months), with the accelerated growth and development of the fetus, significant changes in the functional status of various organs and material metabolism in the body, the demand for calcium increases. At this time, if you do not pay attention to calcium supplementation, it will cause calcium deficiency during pregnancy, lead to a decrease in blood calcium, and a series of symptoms will appear.

Pregnant women need more calcium every day, and it is difficult to supplement them with normal diet, so they need to add more calcium to increase the amount of calcium. It is ideal to supplement calcium from the time of pregnancy. Pay attention to foods with high calcium content, such as tofu, bean products, shrimp skin, kelp, milk and dairy products

The calcium supplementation of pregnant women should not exceed 20 weeks of pregnancy at the latest, because this stage is the most vigorous period for fetal bone formation and development. Pregnant women can take 600-800 mg of calcium in 2-3 times. Try not to take more than 500 mg at a time.

During pregnancy, expectant mothers should always pay attention to the condition of the fetus and scientifically and timely supplement calcium. If the fetus lacks calcium in the mother, then the baby is not healthy after birth, which may lead to various diseases. Calcium supplementation during pregnancy is not achieved overnight, and it needs to be done step by step. After all, the demand for calcium by the fetus is not very large, and expectant mothers should pay attention to the restraint of the amount in the process of calcium supplementation.

Snow rose 2024-06-24 11:30:33

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