What is the cause of cold and vomiting

Hold hands to reminisce about the past Ask on April 27, 2024-14:02:07
Recommended answer

Cold, also known as cold, is an acute upper respiratory tract infection. Common pathogens of colds are rhinovirus, adenovirus and respiratory pocket virus. Symptoms of colds include fever, stuffy nose, runny nose, pain and fatigue. Some patients will also have nausea, vomiting and other reactions, which are a manifestation of gastrointestinal cold. During treatment, it can reduce fever, pain and vomiting through anti-virus and symptomatic treatment. After treatment, the symptoms will gradually improve. During the treatment, it is necessary to avoid overeating, spicy and stimulating food, pay more attention to rest, avoid fatigue, and drink more water. The elderly should be alert to the possibility of complications.

Hold hands to reminisce about the past 2024-04-28 11:16:01

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