What's the matter with deep breathing and lumbago

The age of no regrets Ask questions at 14:55:51 on April 27, 2024
Recommended answer

Lumbar pain during deep breathing may be the manifestation of lumbar disc herniation, because in the process of deep breathing, the abdominal pressure will increase, and the increased pressure will compress the intervertebral disc backward, leading to the increased lumbar disc herniation, thus causing lumbar pain. Some people may have radiation of lower limbs and legs when they breathe deeply or cough violently. This kind of lumbar disc herniation is more likely. It is recommended to go to the hospital to check the CT or MRI of the lumbar spine, and determine whether it is the manifestation of lumbar disc herniation according to the examination results.

The age of no regrets 2024-04-28 11:20:31

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