What is the impact of a high cervix

Smile away Ask questions on 2024-05-28 00:14:24
Recommended answer

The female cervix is very high, usually it will not have too much impact, but the cervix is very high, which may have a certain impact on pregnancy. The cervix is located in the lower segment of the uterus, which is the connection channel between the uterus and the vagina. It is usually the outflow channel of menstrual blood, and it is the channel through which sperm passes during pregnancy. When the cervix is very high, semen will be difficult to enter the uterine cavity, which has a certain impact on pregnancy. At this time, it is suggested that when the husband and wife are in the same room, the woman should raise her legs or put a pillow on her buttocks, which is conducive to the sperm entering the uterine cavity and thus to the success of pregnancy. The upward movement of the cervical position is often related to the previous experience in the uterine cavity operating room, such as a history of cesarean section or laparoscopic gynecological surgery. Therefore, it is recommended that women try their best to choose vaginal trial delivery during childbirth.

Smile away 2024-06-03 12:41:43

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