What medicine to take for nephritis syndrome patients with cold and cough

thinking of an old acquaintance on seeing a familiar scene Ask questions at 06:39:03, May 24, 2024
Recommended answer

Patients with nephritis syndrome have a cold and cough. The specific medicine used is mainly related to the clinical manifestations of the patients. If the patient only shows symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection, mild cough, no fever, expectoration and other symptoms, the Chinese patent medicine for clearing heat and detoxicating, antitussive medicine can be used for the symptomatic treatment, without adding antibiotics, such as Lianhua Qingwen capsule, compound licorice tablet and other symptomatic treatment. If the patient has fever, cough, expectoration, especially yellow sputum, it indicates that the patient may be complicated with bacterial infection. At this time, antibiotics such as amoxicillin, cefixime, levofloxacin and other antibiotics need to be added. If necessary, chest CT and other examinations should be carried out to determine whether there is lung infection. If there is pneumonia, intravenous antibiotics should be used.

thinking of an old acquaintance on seeing a familiar scene 2024-05-27 11:22:32

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