What to do about stomachache after urination

Yearning for the flying of eagle Ask questions on 2024-05-11 13:22:13
Recommended answer

Abdominal pain after urination indicates urinary system infection. When the patient has urinary system infection, it is easy to cause cystitis and bladder pain after urination. Stomach pain after urination, need to see a doctor in the urology department. Through urine examination, it is often found that the number of white blood cells and bacteria in microscopic examination is increased. Effective antibiotic treatment can be selected, such as oral fosfomycin tromethamine powder, which has obvious therapeutic effect on common urinary tract pathogens. You can also take Relinqing Granules orally. Relinqing Granules have obvious effects on the symptoms of frequent urination, urgency and pain caused by lower urinary tract infection. It can also be treated by oral administration of the a1A receptor blocker Eurifu. Uniflex can relieve the pain of lower abdomen after urination, and can also improve the symptoms of dysuria. Urinary infection in women is accompanied by dysuria. After two weeks of oral treatment with the above drugs, most patients' urination symptoms improved significantly, and the symptoms of abdominal distention and pain disappeared after urination.

Yearning for the flying of eagle 2024-05-13 11:20:50

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