Is the four plus signs of urine protein serious? How to treat it

Old Gun Ask questions on May 12, 2024-07:10:20
Recommended answer

If there are four plus signs for urine protein, the patient's condition is serious. In addition to a large amount of proteinuria, there will also be obvious hypoalbuminemia, and there will also be obvious edema. The eyelid, face, and lower limbs are common edema parts, and there will also be pleural effusion and ascites. The patient will feel abdominal distension, do not want to eat, and waist acid, Even the blood pressure will rise. Generally, glucocorticoids such as prednisone are needed for treatment. Some patients also need to use immunosuppressants such as cyclophosphamide and tacrolimus in combination. Some patients also need to use low molecular weight heparin. If there is hyperlipidemia, statins can also be used to reduce patients' blood lipids. If there is an increase in blood pressure, You also need to use antihypertensive drugs such as felodipine.

Old Gun 2024-05-13 11:06:47

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