Can pregnant women eat grapes? What are the taboos for pregnant women to eat grapes

To end in twilight Ask questions on 22:44:41, June 23, 2024
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It can be eaten, but there are the following taboos when eating grapes

1. Don't drink water immediately after eating grapes

Don't drink water immediately after eating grapes, or you will have diarrhea in less than a quarter of an hour.

It turns out that the grape itself has the effect of catharsis and moistening the intestines. After eating the grape, drink water immediately. Before the stomach can digest and absorb it, the water will dilute the stomach acid. The rapid oxidation and fermentation of the grape and water and the stomach acid accelerate the peristalsis of the intestines, resulting in diarrhea.

However, this kind of diarrhea is not caused by bacteria. After diarrhea, it will heal without treatment.

2. Don't drink milk immediately after eating grapes

Grapes contain vitamin C, and the elements in milk will reflect the vitamin C contained in grapes, which is very harmful to the stomach. Taking both at the same time will cause diarrhea and vomiting in severe cases.

So you can't drink milk just after eating grapes. (Suggestion: It's better to drink milk after eating grapes for 30 minutes.)

3. Don't eat too much grapes

Grapes are rich in nutrients, known as the "Queen of Fruits". In addition to more than 60% of free water, colloidal bound water and combined water (life water), they also contain carbohydrates, sugars (glucose, fructose, pentose), organic acids (tartaric acid, malic acid, citric acid, tannic acid), minerals, nitrogen containing substances, amino acids, vitamins and other beneficial and necessary ingredients for human health.

In addition, grapes contain far more calories than apples, pears and other fruits.

What is more valuable is that most of the beneficial substances in grapes can be directly absorbed by the human body, which can play a good role in a series of activities such as human metabolism.

Due to the high sugar content of grapes, diabetic patients should pay special attention to avoiding eating grapes. Pregnant women should beware of diabetes during pregnancy.

Therefore, pregnant women should eat a moderate amount of grapes. After eating grapes, it is appropriate to eat aquatic products at an interval of 4 hours to avoid the formation of substances that are difficult to absorb from tannin in grapes and calcium in aquatic products, which will affect health.

4. Grapes should be cleaned thoroughly

If a pregnant woman likes to eat grapes, remember to clean the grapes thoroughly. There may be residual dirt on the grape skin. It is inevitable that she will come into contact with the grape skin when eating grapes. Don't forget the food hygiene.

To end in twilight 2024-06-24 11:24:03

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